Digital Design System

Creating a new release guidelines

We should try to follow semantic versioning

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
    E.g. Adding new none prefixed bootstrap classes

  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
    E.g. Adding a new msds-* prefixed class

  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
    E.g. Fixing a bug in existing code without changing API(Classes etc..)

Steps to follow

  1. Go to local repository
  2. Create branch/go to existing branch “git checkout (branch)”
  3. Get latest from master “git pull origin master”
  4. Write “npm version (major | minor | patch)” to bump the package files versions
  5. Copy the version number
  6. Push code to remote (git push)
  7. Create PR
  8. Get PR merged into master
  9. Create a release in github with the same version e.g. v0.1.3

Once the new release is saved an automated travis-ci deploy to the package on npm is triggered.