Digital Design System

Git Cheat Sheet

Creating a pull request from master

Step# Description Command
1. Create a new brach (If you need one) git cb branch-name
2. Check all pending changes before Stash git st
3. Content in the second column git stash -u
4. Get status of pending changes git st
5. Pull request from Master to branch git pull origin master
6. Apply stashed changes git stash apply
7. Start project npm start

Committing to master from branch

Step# Description Command
1. Check all pending changes before Commit git st
2. Add all pending changes to Commit branch git add .
3. Get status of pending changes git st
4. Commit changes to branch git commit -m “Title” -m “Description”
5. Get status of pending changes git st
6. Push committed changes to Master branch git push
7. Pull latest version of project from Master git pull
8. Create a release https://milestone-sys.github.io/web-design-system/docs/creating-a-new-release.html