The following colors are used for font colors on our website and only them.
Many are made for light background colors and others for dark background colors. However, there is no specific definition concerning how they should be used.
In the following section, we are displaying and providing the fonts CSS classes in order you to be able to use and apply the front colors when you need it in your layouts.
To use the “Milestone Clear Blue“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-clear-blue“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Milestone Dark Blue“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-dark-blue“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Milestone Yellow“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-yellow“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 1“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-1“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 2“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-2“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 3“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-3“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 4“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-4“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 5“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-5“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 6“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-6“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 7“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-7“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 8“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-8“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 9“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-9“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Gray 10“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-gray-10“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “White“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-white“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Black“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-black“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Alt Blue 1“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-alt-blue-1“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Alt Blue 2“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-alt-blue-2“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Alt Blue 3“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-alt-blue-3“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Alt Yellow 1“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-alt-yellow-1“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Alt Yellow 2“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-alt-yellow-2“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Confirm Green“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-confirm-green“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Danger Red 1“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-danger-red-1“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Danger Red 2“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-danger-red-2“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following:
To use the “Sand“ font color you need to use the “msds-text-sand“ CSS class on an element. Once applied, the content will look like the following: